Curly Chemistry FAQ

Curly Chemistry FAQ

-Frequently Asked Questions-

  • Hair Growth
    • What are some products or ingredients I should use to see increased hair growth?
      • Products like Wild Growth Oil, Curls Smith Full Density Hair Elixir, Sulfur 8, and Mielle Organic Rosemary Mint Oil are great options. Ingredients like rosemary, peppermint, tea tree, and lavender are also great essential oils for encouraging hair growth. Always use a carrier oil like jojoba, argan, or avocado when using essential oils. I have a great DIY recipe here in the Natural Hair Care Wisdom Flash Cards:
  • Hair Growth
    • Why has a certain part of my hair stopped growing? I’m having a hard time growing a certain area.
      • This can be due to excessive dryness in that area that is causing that area to break off. Increasing your moisture content in that area should help stop the breakage. It could be hormonal or stress related; in addition it could be based on your styling especially if there is added tension in that particular area.
  • Dryness
    • Why am I having a hard time with keeping my hair moisturized? My hair is so dry!

    • Porosity
      • How do I know what porosity I am?
        • Usually low porosity hair takes a long time to dry and the cuticle is smooth. Sandwich two fingers down one strand of your hair, if it’s smooth without any bumps that’s a good indicator that you’re low porosity.
        • High porosity hair usually dries rather quickly, this hair type can be frizzy and also appear dull (lack of shine). If you notice multiple bumps when doing the sandwich test (as mentioned above) you may have high porosity hair.
      • What products do you recommend for low or high porosity hair?

    • Regimen
      • What should my hair care regimen look like?
        • This will vary based on your hair. However a good starting point is the following:
          • On your wash day, pre-poo with coconut, babassu oil, or palm kernel oil for at least 30 min on dry hair then rinse.
          • Shampoo hair with a moisturizing shampo.
          • Condition or deep condition your hair, detangle then rinse.
          • Apply a leave in conditioner and style as usual.
          • Moisturize hair daily or as needed followed by a protecting oil (avocado, sweet almond, jojoba, etc.) to seal in the moisture.
          • Protein and deep condition at least once a month or as needed.

    • Protein
      • Why does my hair seem so weak and brittle?
        • You may need to incorporate a light or medium/heavy protein treatment into your regimen. I usually recommend getting a protein treatment once a month. The products I recommend are Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructerizer (light protein) or Aphogee 2 Step Conditioner (medium/heavy protein).
    • Protective
      • How can I best protect my hair and scalp when getting braids, weaves, etc.?
        • Prior to getting the style, be sure to clean your scalp well and follow up with a deep conditioner to prep your hair for the installment. Depending on the style, if you have access to your scalp, definitely oil your scalp with a carrier oil mixed with tea tree oil to ward off any bacteria, dryness, and itchiness. Lastly, do not leave the style in for longer than 6 weeks.
    • Ingredients
      • Do you have resources where I can learn more about ingredients in hair care products?
        • Yes, I’ve created the Curly Girl’s Guide to Hair Care Ingredients. You can get your digital copy and learn more about what’s inside at the link below.
    • Gray Hair
      • What’s the best way to care for gray hair?
        • TLC! Tender, love, and care is needed for your hair at this stage. Sometimes gray hair can be more brittle, dry, and loses elasticity which can result in increased breakage. My best advice would be to deep condition weekly or at least biweekly and keep up your monthly protein treatments (if needed). On a daily basis you’ll want to moisturize and seal with a protecting oil (jojoba, castor, argan, etc. Hair vitamins like Nutrafol and Pure Encapsulated Hair Skin Nail Vitamins, can also help encourage healthier hair during this stage as well.
    • Help!
      • I’ve tried everything! Why is my hair still not growing or improving?
        • I recommend signing up for a hair care coaching call with me. We can connect one on one about your hair challenges, I’ll customize a hair care regimen for you, and recommend products to help you reach your goals. If you’re ready to sign up for a hair care coaching call with me, here’s the link:
    • I Want To Start A Hair Care Line!
      • Congrats on deciding to start your hair care line! The consultations that I offer are designed to provide the steps you need to succeed, give you reputable recommendations for labs, manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, and packaging design. In addition, we will work on the initial development of your formula which includes selecting the best ingredients based on your vision for your formula and how to properly position it in the marketplace. If you’re ready to get start your hair care line, here’s the link:

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