Skip The Shampoo & Go For The Clay!

Skip The Shampoo & Go For The Clay!
If you're looking for a new way to cleanse your hair and remove product build up, you should try cleansing your hair with clay. Now before you decide to roll your eyes and say "yeah right, girl bye", here me out! Clay is a HUGE benefit to our hair, it helps to define our curls, it naturally has it's own slip which makes it easy to distribute from strand to strand, it softens the hair automatically, and removes surface oil and dirt from the hair. Not convinced? Check out my before & after of using a clay mask a few days ago (top to bottom). Dry: Before Clay IMG_0178 Wet: After Clay IMG_0191 Dry: After Clay FullSizeRender 22 That was my 1st time using clay, and I really really like it! My curls were softer, more defined, & my hair was very manageable, also because I had old product off my hair, my hair felt lighter and fluffier. Okay now to exactly "what clay" I used, there are so many out there. The two most popular are bentonite & rhassoul clay, I chose rhassoul because it's known for being more moisturizing for the hair and less drying like most clays can feel. My recipe is here:
  • 1/2 cup rhassoul clay

  • 1 1/2 cup water

  • 1 tsp of avocado oil & 1 tsp of jojoba oil.

Shampoo hair (optional) to rid scalp of excessive impurities, apply mask from roots to tip, focusing on ends of hair. Leave mask on for 20-25 minutes, rinse, condition with any moisturizing conditioner (I used ORS Replenishing), rinse, and style! xoxo!
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