Perfect 7 Hair Protecting Oils (By Size)

Perfect 7 Hair Protecting Oils (By Size)
Heyyy! I'm assuming you just saw my latest video on PMP so I know why you're here ;-) the list is below! (Ranked from largest to smallest)
  1. Hair Grease (Petrolatum)
  2. Shea/Mango Butter
  3. Castor Oil
  4. Avocado Oil
  5. Jojoba Oil
  6. Sunflower Oil
  7. Grapeseed Oil
My favorites are hair grease and avocado! However I recommend you choose based on what YOUR hair loves. With Love, Tonya P.S: I will expand on this list over time, so keep checking for updates and follow me on IG @sharmaine369.
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