Chemical services
- Relaxers, colors, and perms oh my! These treatments are the quickest way to go from low porosity to high porosity.
- Products that are low in pH 4.5-5.5 are ideal for our hair, however products that are high in pH 7 and up can cause some issues with the cuticles of the hair. By issues I mean the cuticles of your hair lifting. This lifting can cause hygral fatigue, tangles, and loss of moisture.
Fatty Alcohols
- These are the good guys! Despite being "alcohols" they are not drying, they actually are fats (oils) and they bring lubrication and softness to the hair.
With so much talk around porosity, the bigger question is can your conditioner or moisturizer change your porosity level? In this video we’re going to chat about how ingredients can affect your hair porosity level, the two types of alcohols in your hair care products, and ingredient labels!!
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